Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hey Mom, I Need Some Compassion!

I’m a believer in the power of positive thinking, so the idea of using healing oils for moving through life’s small difficulties is very appealing. We all experience times when the stress of a situation looms large or emotions run high and we need help hitting the reset button. A great way to work through these times is with a simple routine like sitting in a quiet space, stilling the thoughts and setting a positive intention. I’ve found Thistle Farms’ Healing Oils to be a great anchor for this type of ritual. Here’s a recent example from my own life that worked like a charm:

My son John was born sensitive. I knew it from the start when he waited ten long days past his due date to leave the cozy womb. At 13, he’s still a procrastinator! He comes by his sensitivity naturally inheriting his relatives’ penchant for anxiety. John's Grandpa Ed had OCD and couldn’t handle loud noises, so sometimes when we were little, we’d drop the dictionary on the floor just to see him jump.

As a younger child, John had a few more significant issues including a tree nut allergy as well as a debilitating fear of loud noises like fireworks just like Grandpa Ed. He refused soft textured food. He didn’t like new shoes or socks with seams (thank God for tube socks). Fortunately, he grew out of most of it. To most people, he seems like a typical teenager – boisterous and quirky, but I see the times of vulnerability.

Recently, John started a new school known for its academic rigor. He was gifted with a good brain and is an excellent student, but he is a worrier and gets overwhelmed by fear when too much work piles on. Exam week was tough. Having anticipated his anxiety, we had a full set of Thistle Farms healing oils on hand. The “Compassion” healing oil seemed especially suited for the task. Made with geranium, chamomile, lavender, and myrrh essential oils, these essences naturally promote relaxation and calm. I applied the oil to his temples and the back of his neck and had him set the intention to let go of his fear and be compassionate with himself. Thirteen is a funny age and I wasn’t sure if he really “bought in” to the idea, but he calmed down and went back to work. About two hours later, I heard a voice from the other room, “Hey Mom! I need some of that Compassion!”

Six months later, he’s gotten used to his new school and has grown in confidence. But just the other day, he poked his head in looking for more “Compassion.” It has become a simple ritual he can use to gather himself, set a positive intention, and move through his fear so he can get back to work.

There are many ways healing oils can be helpful in moving through life’s trials. Find a quiet place, still the mind, apply the healing oil and set the intention.  Take a few moments to reflect. Here are some ideas:

*To ease hurt feelings and diffuse anger after an argument:  AHIMSASow seeds of universal love and non-violence with sweet orange, cinnamon, clove and cedarwood essential oils in olive oil.

*When feeling resentful, confused or disappointed e.g., hearing bad news, needing perspective on a situation, feeling out of control. CONTEMPLATIONRestore body and mind for reflection with jasmine, frankincense, myrrh and grapefruit essential oils in olive oil.

*Feeling bored, blocked or stuck. INSPIRATIONUplift the spirit and invite new dreams. Bergamot, cardamom, sweet orange and lavender essential oils in coconut oil

*Having to perform a task you’d rather not do, seeking to forgive when treated unfairly, wanting to act out against someone.  MITZVAHEncourage acts of human kindness. Mandarin orange, lavender, and ginger root essential oils in sweet almond oil.

*Being too hard on oneself, to free the mind from obsessive thinking, thinking negative or harmful thoughts. COMPASSIONOpen the heart to prayer and mindfulness. Geranium, chamomile, lavender and myrrh essential oils in jojoba oil.

By Beth Preston, 
Thistle Farmer

To discover which healing oil is best for your life, go to our online store 
for more information and purchasing options. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this practical guide as to when and what to use! Thank you!
